Thursday, 15 April 2010

You Can't Always Win.

Everybody knows that but most people only remember only when they lose. And I'm certainly one of those people. Well tonight I lost big time.

That's a very dramatic introduction right? Ha ha ha... Even I took me seriously for a second. What I lost today was a fight that can never be won. It was time to return to my beloved Rio, all was set and arranged, all was smooth albeit a bit emotional. There's nothing wrong with that. But. But I had to fight with nature. And you can never win against that monster.

The weather has been atrocious lately. (I'm sure you've heard about the disaster in Rio last week. I did not manage to muster anything to say about it, it was too bad I guess. I still have no words, let's not cheapen it up.) Well, in order to make my way to the airport, a sleepy 40 minutes normally, I had to make my way through bamboo jungles, navigate tropical lakes, get lost in the night with no moon or stars for guidance and got whipped for hours as if I were a witch. I fought with dragons and narrowly escaped piranhas. And I'm sure I was delirious for a while cause there's an hour missing in my mind. It wasn't only the water and my stuff that weighed me down, the game was lost from the outset. And when I finally reached the check-in desk with one and a half hours of delay it was beyond funny. The Odyssey kept unfolding with "folded" credit cards, endless delays, unreliable internet and (surprisingly) dodgy food. Now, I'm writing these few notes on the cold marble floor while Jurassic Park is right there behind that window.

Oh well, I shouldn't moan. It's just that I'm bored and tired at the same time. The past week has been great once more, I'm slightly wiser and a lot more happier, certainly older but at the same time fresher. What's one night in eternity right? Got no photos for you this time. I'll gather some crumbles, but got nothing really.


  1. It sounds great. Should i cancel my holidays??? :-(

  2. Naaaaahhhh, it'll be fine by then...
    Besides, you wont be in the Northeast. Stop worrying and love the bomb!

  3. Oh dear! However I should share my own (and i assume more others) odyssey against nature. I meant to flight to the States last week and instead I stuck at work trying not to mourn the missed holidays and be positive about the forthcoming ones. Of course I did not have to fight with dragons and escape piranhas but I stayed in my confy house fighting my own 'monsters'. Its just make me think once more how small and helpless humans are in the will of nature and how difficult is for us to accept it. Then I also read your post about the rights answers and right questions and I wondered if we are actually looking for the right question wich will make our excistence less helpless and more powerfull. Are the marks of time and the unreturnable moments so painful during our life journey? Are we trying to capture the moment? Are trying to capture ourselves? How knows?I definetely dont!
    I hope that I did not bore you but I felt an irresistible desire to share my thoughts with you!Take care and be in touch!

  4. I love your comment Marina, I'm sorry for your flights. I was thinking of you the past few days. Really sorry.

    Yeah, it's funny how helpless you can be at times, but I find the new perspective on things and life quite illuminating. Still, shame about your holidays.

    We'll be in touch,
